
“Acorda pra cuspir!” — Expressões em Inglês

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Como se diz “acorda pra cuspir” em inglês? Nós, brasileiros, usamos this idiom para pedir, de maneira coloquial, para a pessoa encarar a reality. Enquanto eu estava googling around, eu encontrei um site de  american slangs and idioms e eis que encontro something que pode corresponder ao nosso “acorda pra cuspir”.

A expressão que encontrei é WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE.

Ex.: Hey dude, wake up and smell the coffee! She won’t come back. [Aê brother, acorda pra cuspir! Ela não vai voltar.]

Wake up and smell the coffee = Try to pay attention to what’s going on.

Ex.: Things have changed around here, Wallace J. Hodder! Wake up and smell the coffee! [As coisas mudaram por aqui, Wallace J. Hodder! Acorda pra cuspir!]

O Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms comenta:

Something that you say in order to tell someone that they should try to understand the true facts of a situation or that they should give more attention to what is happening around them. [Algo que você diz a fim de dizer para alguém que ele deve tentar entender os verdadeiros fatos de uma cituação ou que ele deve dar mais atenção ao que está acontecendo ao seu redor.]

Citações Literárias:

The question that I would like to ask is - when will people in any position to make a decision regarding this wake up and smell the coffee and realise that the grounds and consistency of the opinions of those opposing are not even based on correct information. –Letter: False concerns on energy plant by Daily Post (Liverpool, England)

Wake up and smell the coffee at Home Health Section’s annual “Coffee Tasting Open House,” – Friday, February 8, from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM. CSM events to benefit the Foundation by Physical Therapy.

It was time to wake up and smell the coffee when the latest bunch of aspiring tycoons turned up determined to impress Sir Alan Sugar in the new series of the Apprentice. – McTV; What’s hot and what’s not on the box.. by Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)
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